Thursday, July 23, 2009

As Old As You Feel

On July 11 of this year, I had my 70th birthday, and one thing I noticed is that there are very few if any other seventy year olds blogging here on Blogger, or anywhere else for that matter. Therefore I might be considered by some, to be a little peculiar. Some of my friends who are my age, may be saying,(Behind my back of course) "Larry should get off that computer and get a life", but as far as I'm concerned, I do have a life. I enjoy my computer, and I love the friends I have made here.
I really didn't think I would live this long considering the fact that my parents died very young with heart related problems. My father at 59, my mother at 47. Angioplasty saved my life, which did not exist a generation ago, and the word cholesterol was unheard of.
My daughter-in-law called me on my birthday, and asked if I felt any older, I said, "Not any older than I did yesterday I suppose, but I think there is the psycological effect of moving from your sixties to your seventies, as there always is when you move from one decade to the next".
My wife,(Bless her heart), who is two years younger than me, still gets embarrassed when I park in a space marked as senior citizens only, probably because she walks two miles everyday, but it doesn't bother me at all. She doesn't seem to mind though when we take our discount at the Chinese Buffet.
I've always been against putting my picture, or anyone from my family on this blog, but I thought maybe some of you might want to know what we look like,(Or maybe not). Anyway here we are, just two ordinary folks.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Creative Trinity

A Creative Trinity

Someone once told me that the most comforting premise of the Christian world view was, for her, the assurance of a beginning. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..." These very first words of Scripture boldly proclaim that we are not lost and wandering in a cosmic circle of time and chance, isolated from any meaning beyond fame, wealth, or consumption. There is one who stood at the foundation of the world, who with wisdom, majesty, and purpose, caused life and history to begin.